
We Support Our People & Community

Going Merry

Going Merry Helps Expand Access to Financial Aid and Scholarships

Our free Going Merry platform makes it easy for students and families to find and apply for scholarships.

For Our Clients and Community

Promoting Education and Economic Opportunity

We’ve helped millions of people pursue higher education and successfully pay off their student loans. Since 2014, we also have refinanced more than $22 billion in student loans, enabling people to save thousands of dollars through lower interest rates.

Supporting United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education

We embrace our role in upholding human rights and working toward a sustainable society through innovative education financing solutions, policy advocacy, employee volunteerism, and support for nonprofits that enhance financial literacy.

For Our Employees and Business Partners

Creating a Welcoming, Respectful Workplace

In our workplace, we welcome and respect employees for who they are as individuals, offering opportunities for meaningful work and fair compensation.


Learn More About Our Social Commitments